In Hajiganj, tuberculosis is more dangerous than corona

 Moniruzzaman Bablu/Sabikun Nahar Nashit
আপডেটঃ আগস্ট ২৩, ২০২০ | ৭:৩০
 Moniruzzaman Bablu/Sabikun Nahar Nashit
আপডেটঃ আগস্ট ২৩, ২০২০ | ৭:৩০
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Public life is being disrupted by the terrible claws of the corona in the world. Along with it, other diseases are on the rise. Statistics from the health department of Hajiganj upazila in Chandpur have shown that the prevalence of tuberculosis is getting worse than that of corona. The number of TB patients has been increasing in this upazila for the last few years. According to the Hajiganj Upazila Health Complex and Hajiganj BRAC Tuberculosis Control Office, the number of tuberculosis patients is increasing more than those infected with corona.
According to the information given by the statistics officer of Hajiganj Upazila Health Complex Md. Mosharraf Hossain on Sunday morning, it has been seen that 652 people have undergone corona test in Hajiganj Upazila. Corona positive of 190 of them. 18 people died in Corona. 151 people have recovered. The remaining 22 are undergoing treatment at home due to coronary heart disease. According to the information, the last one corona patient was identified in Hajiganj upazila on August 16.
On the other hand, according to the statistics of tuberculosis in Hajiganj upazila, the number of patients till July this year stood at 229. This number was higher until the month of April. Since then, the number of tuberculosis tests for coronary heart disease has decreased. That is why the number of patients has decreased, said Manimesh Biswas, senior manager of Hajiganj BRAC’s tuberculosis prevention branch.
According to his information, in 2019, 703 people were infected with tuberculosis in Hajiganj upazila. 6 people died. In 2016, the number of TB patients was 540. However, the message of hope is that the recovery rate of tuberculosis in Hajiganj upazila is 95 percent. The death rate is 4.5 percent. The remaining 5 percent is associated with other diseases.
Talking to the concerned people, it has been learned that since 2016, three types of tests have been conducted in Hajiganj Upazila to diagnose tuberculosis. The first is a sputum test, the second is an X-ray, and the third is a test called extra pulmonary. The number of TB patients is increasing as the number of TB tests is increasing.
Doctors say that the main enemy of tuberculosis is smoking. Due to this smoking the number of tuberculosis patients gradually increased. Symptoms of tuberculosis also occur when the body does not have the immune system to control the disease. Rheumatic fever and osteoporosis are the initial symptoms of tuberculosis.
According to doctors, two out of every three people carry the TB germ. And the name of that bacterium is Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Hajiganj Upazila Health Complex’s TB, Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Officer Abdur Rahim said tuberculosis is also on the rise compared to corona. TB treatment is provided free of cost in coordination with BRAC. Regular TB patients are being contacted and treated. If you want to avoid tuberculosis, you have to refrain from smoking. White should be avoided in white places. He says most of the disease affects the poor more than the rich. Not eating good food is one of the obstacles in this disease.
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